Yollotl Cuicatl invites you to join them this Fall for a weekend virtual retreat titled: 

Restorative Care for Therapists

May 21st & 22nd 2021

This will be an experiential retreat that will include Ritual and Ceremony, Journaling, Mindfulness practices, expressive arts and deep reflection. We will immerse ourselves in a nurturing experience with fellow mental health practitioners, exploring daily practices that support our bodies, hearts and minds towards feeling grounded and connected to our roots. Collectively exploring and learning from each other, in a mutually supportive environment. Decolonizing and deconstructing old paradigms and narratives that keep us from tapping into our intuition and medicine within. 

What you will gain from this retreat: 

Practical tools to implement for everyday self-care 

Learn ways of connecting to your ancestral roots 

Reflective opportunities for personal and professional growth 

A network of like-minded colleagues to build community with

Emilia Ortega- Jara, LCSW, will be facilitating and hosting this fall's retreat.

Emilia is founder and clinical director of Corazon Counseling Service and Yollotl Cuicatl Coaching & Guidance. With over 20 years of working in the mental health field, Emilia has been a longtime advocate for culturally and linguistically appropriate mental health services for the Latinx/Chicanx community and has worked with various social justice organizations and community-based mental health agencies. Emilia highlights the importance of culture, ceremony, and ritual throughout the work she facilitates, incorporating aspects of traditional indigenous wisdom and modern psychotherapy techniques. In addition to her psychotherapy practice, Emilia provides community training and workshops on various topics related to maternal mental health and facilitates rites of passage ceremonies from puberty to motherhood. Emilia is also a cultural practitioner and ceremonial Aztec dancer, living in harmony and connected to the land and elements of nature, being in ceremony every day, guided by her ancestors.

Visit Yollotl Cuicatl's website by clicking here

We Look Forward to Seeing You in May!

Zoom information will be given upon registration.

 Follow @yollotl_cuicatl for information on upcoming offerings or visit our website at



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